Editorial 2 : What is the nature of a relationship between people ?

By the Editors
Date Posted: Wednesday, 19 December 2007

What is the nature of a relationship between  people ?  This is the question which lies behind each of the contributions to this edition of the goodenoughcaring  Journal. Human beings are social animals and from birth have to seek out another human being. It is generally conceded that if we are not provided with an environment which helps  establish a healthy attachment  relationship with a parenting figure when we are young, then difficulties are stored up for our relationships throughout our lives. However when Kierkegaard observed that  “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards”, he cannot have been blind to the idea that we can, however imperfectly, learn something from our past relationships and experiences. Reflection can bring about helpful change. Indeed it may be the only way to do so. The contributors to this edition create a rich store of experience on which we might reflect.

Jan Noble’s poems evoke early relationships and move us forward in time to ask if they are the prototypes which fix our relationships throughout our lives.

Chloe Smith’s short story explores the polarities and the confusion in an adolescent’s relationship with her parents.

Amanda Towers, a teaching assistant shows how the mother – child relationship influences the child’s educational experience and performance.

Jane Kenny writes about the struggle child care workers face to ensure  their relationships with the children they look after do not become institutionalised.

Ariola Vishjna argues that the predominant trend for quantitive research in child care, de-personalises the child and fails to give a true account of  what happens and what can be achieved in the individual relationships between child and care worker.

Nancy Mohindra explores the idea that frequent disruption during childhood of  a relationship with a significant attachment figure can store up difficulties in making relationships throughout life.

The goodenoughcaring  Journal is the online publication for all those interested in the way children grow up and how they are nurtured. It welcomes contributions from parents, foster parents, residential child care workers in children’s homes, day care workers,  social workers, teachers, youth workers, youth mentors, child therapists, social pedadogues, and educateurs,  and all people who reflect on their own upbringing.


15 Jan 2008,    Jonathan Stanley writes
NCERCC provides a monthly information bulletin. The journal has the potential to join the other spaces where there can be discussion regarding the development of child care…we will include details of the journal in the February issue and look forwards to being updated when the next issue hits the web.Jonathan Stanley, Manager, National Centre for Excellence in Residential Child Care at the National Children’s Bureau 
03 Jan 2008,    Irene Stevens writes
I have passed on word about the journal to colleagues in SIRCC and will also ask for something to be put in the SIRCCULAR about it. It’s a great venture so I hope it continues and thrives.Irene Stevens, Editor, the Journal of the Scottish Institute for Residential Child Care