‘Balint’ case discussion group for teachers


Jo Fogel, a group-analytic psychotherapist has written to us about an invitation she is sending out to teachers to become members of a Balint-type case discussion group for teachers.

Jo writes : Michael Balint developed this kind of group for GPs to help them think about patients who concerned them. The model lends itself well to other professionals – including teachers. Here is a good introduction and description of a Balint group and what is involved. Just substitute ‘teacher’ for ‘doctor’ and ‘pupil’ for ‘patient’.

The group will be co-led by a teacher and me, a psychotherapist. It will be held monthly on Tuesday evenings at the Tavistock Centre in NW London, five minutes walk from Swiss Cottage tube station. The dates up until March are:

Autumn Term – 29.9.15, 27.10.15, 24.11.15, 22.12.15

Spring Term – 26.1.16, 23.2.16, 22.3.16

Each group session will last for 1.5 hours, beginning at 7.30 p.m. or 8 p.m. (to be confirmed) and will have up to 12 members.


The group is ongoing and the fee for each session is £20, payable termly in advance.


You don’t need previous experience of this way of working but a curiosity about it is desirable. The content of discussion will be kept confidential.


If you are interested in becoming a member, please do contact me to discuss further any aspect of the above.


Joan Fogel

Group-analytic psychotherapist


07887 545 703