The 15th Annual Separation and Reunion will be held on Friday 28th of November 2014 at London Voluntary Resource Centre 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA. The theme of the conference is Abused Children : Attachment Issues.
The conference is being held from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
The conference will be chaired by Dr. Nelda Frater, Medical Director Frater Clinic Patron of SRF
Key Note Speakers are:
Dr Danya Glaser, Honorary Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Visiting Professor UCL; ‘The Abuse of Children’.
Ms. Annetta Bennett, National Consultant Trainer and Facilitator, ‘Female Genital Mutilation’.
Mr. Thurstine Bassett, Director of Bassett Consultancy, ‘Trauma, Abandonment and Privilege’.
Ms. Heather Rovce, Educational Psychotherapist. ‘Caring for Looked After Children’.
Conference Fees:
Delegates: £65.00
SRF Members: £50.00
Concessions: £35.00 (Students, Retired Persons and Unemployed)
For mode information about of venue contact London Voluntary Resource Centre
Please confirm attendance by return e-mail ASAP. Should you require further information on this event, please email the SRF’s admin team at serefo or ring 0207 8010 135 or Mob: 0778 370 5423. The organisers ask that those wishing to attend confirm attendance by email as soon as possible.