Maurice Fenton’s book Social Care and Child Welfare in Ireland Integrating Residential Care, Leaving Care and Aftercare will be published later this month, September, 2015. Although the contents are informed by child care in Ireland, the author and the publisher believe the text will be of interest to all involved in the care and support of children and young people who are not living with their own families.
The publisher and the author have sent us the following pre-publication notes about the book.
Social Care and Child Welfare in Ireland Integrating Residential Care, Leaving Care and After Care by Maurice Fenton
€39.95 (£34.95) ISBN 978-9080308-74-0 Paperback/September 2015/ 414 pages
This book addresses the major issue of social care and child welfare in the 21st century, and in particular the imperative to integrate residential child care, leaving care and aftercare in order to achieve are congruent system of care. Currently these areas are disconnected elements of a system of care, whereas in an integrated system they would be fully connected. The book is focused on the situation in Ireland but offers international relevance.
The foreword to Social Care and Child Welfare in Ireland Integrating Residential Care, Leaving Care and After Care is written by Professor John Pinkerton of the School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work, Queens University, Belfast.
An ecological perspective with recognition of the importance of both the child and the worker as dyadic elements within the system, is the focus throughout. The child’s perspective is presented through a biographical narrative of a former child in care and with case studies from the author’s practice experience. The workers’ perspective is addressed through detailed clinical analysis of the elements which constitute the profession of social care, which include practice, theory, approaches to care, policy, rights, research, legislation, social justice, professionalisation, privatisation and socio-political and socio-economic factors which impact on the profession of social care, and therefore children in care.
Through this analysis a nuanced and informed perspective, identifying both strengths and weaknesses is offered on the care system in Ireland in 2015. The book identifies significant deficiencies in the current aftercare services available in Ireland, and advocates of statutory entitlement to aftercare support for all care leavers. In benefit/cost analysis is provided to support such a change.
About the author
Maurice Fenton has worked at all levels in residential care, trainee to director, within the statutory, voluntary and private sectors. He founded Empower Ireland in 2009 to support care leavers in Ireland, and is an independent adviser and researcher with a particular interest in mentoring and social justice. He is scheduled to complete his doctorate at Queens University Belfast in 2016.
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