Unity through Relationship Annual Conference in Dublin, November 9 – 11, 2015

This conference will be held at the from November 9th to November 11th at the Regency Hotel, Dublin from 9.30 am to 5.00pm each day. The conference will consider the provision of congruent care , through unity, theory and practice.

The full conference brochure can be found here.;

‘Unity though Relationship is a collaborative association between The Gateway Organisation, CYC-Net (The International Child & Youth Care Network) and Empower Ireland with the aim of facilitating and hosting knowledge mobilization and networking events designed to bring together professionals from the various diverse but related disciplines involved in the care-cycle of vulnerable groups. These disciplines range from early preventative involvement to specialized post-trauma interventions.

The conference organisers are delighted to announce that Dr Jim Anglin will be keynoting on the first day of the 2015 annual conference. Dr Thom Garfat who keynoted in 2014 has agreed to return and will be an integral part of the week long events.
Other contributors are :
UK: Dr Mark Smith, Dr Karen Winter, Max Smart, Stephen Drysdale and Dr Clive Acraman.
Canada: Dr Thom Garfat, Dr Jim Anglin, Monica Pauls, Dr Cathy Smey Carston, Aurrora Demonte and Kelly Shaw.
Ireland: Dr John Digney, Maurice Fenton, David Power, Fergal Landy, Derek McDonnell, Brian Hogan, Dr Caroline McGregor, Dr Anne Cassidy, Aoife Prendergast, Dr Nuala Connolly, Emmett Tuite and Lavinia Mclean.
Germany: Baerbel Schlueter and Brigitte Paterson.
RSA: Jackie Winfield.
The objective is to provide a forum to highlight thinking and share the views and practice experiences of all who recognise this imperative:go some way to meeting the need for the realization of processes which permit the translation of theory and research into practice and,  share progressive and contemporary knowledge in a flexible and accessible manner.
To make a reservation for the conference go to http://www.unitythroughrelationship.eventbrite.ie/